Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Toddler in the House

To be honest, the word "toddler" didn't across my mind whenever i was thinking about raising a child. The most phrases i had heard before was (baby, kid, teenager)!
living with a 2 years boy  is something so new and challenging for me. I was aiming to be the PERFECT MOMMY  with the perfect attitude as what had been shown to us from media channels in the past years. 

No, I don't have to and YOU don't have to

make your new goal to be perfect in your own way 
with your own vision

Raise your child not as a mission you have to complete but as a way to enjoy your life

there will be times when they will

throw food in air
throw water on ground
eat play-dough with a big smile
scream & shout

Its there only life and they are new to it.. they have the right to enjoy it, discover it and live it the way they love to.

what you have to do then?

try to be calm and think wisely
watch out you voice tone
choose your word 
avoid "NO" and replace it 
shift his energy 
Listen with a third ear and see with a third eye. (maybe his attitude was reflection for something wrong is happening in his life).

and just ENJOY it! ;)

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Sunday Message

My Dear,

Your thoughts will control your present and your life...
You are a good person and you have pure soul that deserves all the best in this universe
Keep living the life you want..
the life you Love
You have the right to choose
    CHOOSE what your soul love

You are kind.. you are beautiful from inside to outside.. you are good enough for this stage in your life..
Everyone makes mistakes but the winner knows the message and take it as advantage to improve his life..
    IMPROVE your life and keep that high energy 
You deserve all the love no matter what.. You are the love

God loves you..keep believing in yourself  

Your inner voice

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Morning Routine

Who said you can't take the charge of your day!
and who said that you don't have the ability to control it?

Each morning you can determine whether you want to live the happiest day or the worst day in your life by how you act in the morning. 

Every morning your mind is clear and your soul is calm.. so anything you will think about or believe  or even feel will be connecting with your unconscious mind and will be there for the whole day.

A true smile with a deep breath in the morning will keep anything you don't want away or in another phrase "will bring all what you love to you".

here are some techniques you can engage them with your morning routine.. JUST if you decide to have beautiful, happy and productive day :)

1- thinking wisely: get control of your thoughts. You can't imagine the POWER of thoughts. 
2- stretching: take your time to stretch before you get up from your bed.
3- SMILE: take a deep breath with a soft smile for your self by the mirror. your own smile will bright your day more.
4- listen to your favorite songs: choose songs with lovable meanings that bring beautiful thoughts to your mind or just dance and calm down your mind.
5- imagine your future: with DETAILS <3
6- get in touch with your beloved.

these things will not take more that 10 mins from your morning, your day, YOUR life.

Turn your face to the sun and enjoy your life

make it worth living 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

جميلة هي الحياة

Things you need to do when summer comes!

جميلة هي الحياة، بكل تفاصيلها.. الصغيرة منها والكبيرة.. السعيدة منها والحزينة.. الصعبة منها والهادئة..
فما بين كل تلك التفاصيل تكون متعة الحياة
فلا حياة بالاستقرار بالركود
ولا استمتاع في دائرة الراحة..

جميلة هي الحياة، فلا تدع ما يؤرقك يسيطر على عقلك، وما يحزنك يغزو أفكارك..
عش أحلامك.. حقق ما تريد من ما تتطلع إليه
عش أحلامك.. كن ماتريد كما تريد
عش أحلامك.. ارتفع بروحك إلى أعلى.. إلى ما تطمح إليه

جميلة هي الحياة، انصت لها.. فأحاديثها لك لن تنتهي
أنت جزء منها.. 
لن تخذلك ولو خذلت أنت نفسك
ولن تتخلى عنك ولو تخليت أنت عن نفسك

هي الحياة هي أنت